이미지 확대
![[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fan inside Anfield reacts after Mohamed Salah sustains an injury / REUTERS]](https://image.ajunews.com/content/image/2018/05/27/20180527095819220060.jpg)
[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fan inside Anfield reacts after Mohamed Salah sustains an injury / REUTERS]
이미지 확대
![[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fan inside Anfield reacts after Mohamed Salah sustains an injury / REUTERS]](https://image.ajunews.com/content/image/2018/05/27/20180527095904308067.jpg)
[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fan inside Anfield reacts after Mohamed Salah sustains an injury / REUTERS]
이미지 확대
![[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fan inside Anfield reacts after Mohamed Salah sustains an injury / REUTERS]](https://image.ajunews.com/content/image/2018/05/27/20180527100001740130.jpg)
[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fan inside Anfield reacts after Mohamed Salah sustains an injury / REUTERS]
이미지 확대
![[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fans look dejected after losing the final as they sit beside the river Mersey near Albert Dock / REUTERS]](https://image.ajunews.com/content/image/2018/05/27/20180527100113693329.jpg)
[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fans look dejected after losing the final as they sit beside the river Mersey near Albert Dock / REUTERS]
이미지 확대
![[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fans react inside Anfield / REUTERS]](https://image.ajunews.com/content/image/2018/05/27/20180527101754125932.jpg)
[May 26, 2018 Liverpool fans react inside Anfield / REUTERS]
리버풀 FC 골키퍼 로리스 카리우스의 실수로 팬들이 충격에 빠졌다.
27일(한국시간) 우크라이나 키예프에 위치한 NSC 올림피스키 스타디움에서 열린 '2017-18 유럽 축구연맹 챔피언스리그' 결승전인 리버풀과 레알 마드리드의 경기에서 카리우스는 두 번의 치명적인 실수를 했다.
후반 6분 카리우스가 수비수에게 던진 공이 앞에 있던 벤제마의 발을 맞고 들어가는 실수를 범했고, 후반 38분 베일의 중거리 슈팅을 제대로 쳐내지 못해 추가골을 허용했다.