[Korea Stock]KOSPI 1750, Up 7 Points (Sept 1, Open)

2010-09-01 09:21

(아주경제 신기림 기자) The Korea Composite Stock Price Index (KOSPI) opened at 1,750.59 on Wednesday, up 7.84 points, from the previous close. The KOSPI is trading at 1,753.79 as of 09:04 a.m.

The Korean Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (KOSDAQ) opened at 467.92, up 3.21 points. The KOSDAQ is trading at 468.24 as of 09:04 a.m.

The Korean won is trading at 1,196.80 won to the U.S. dollar as of 08:39 a.m. while the won is quoted at 1,423.15 won per 100 yen as of 08:39 a.m. 

[아주경제 ajnews.co.kr] 무단전재 배포금지